
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Food Storage...Book Storage...What?

Some people have food storage, I have a "book" storage. Not a library, just an emergency supply of books.

I have books all over my house.  The piles are organized. The boxes are labeled.  I've re-purposed old books and recycled books that were beyond repair. I have sold books, donated and given books away, yet I am still overwhelmed by books.

This fall I unearthed the remaining boxes of school books in the storage unit with the goal of bringing them to my classroom to share with my 3rd grade kids.
(Once upon a time ago I taught 2nd grade, moved schools and ended up teaching a 5/6th grade class and later a 5th grade for the following 4 years and the books lived in storage.)
 It was super to remove the 10 (yes...TEN) boxes from the storage unit and then I ran into a bit of a glitch. I didn't have enough room for the boxes at my house.

Some of the books have arrived at school. Most have not. The biggest problem I've had in this whole "little" project is my classroom library is full.  Creating more space in the classroom, getting rid of books, and handing books down to other teachers takes time. I also have a habit of leaving things in my car and not taking those things out right away.

Some of the books are sitting in the dining room at my dad's house.  They have my "belongs to" labels on them, all ready to go (they've been ready to go since October).

Some books are in plastic tubs on my mom's covered porch.  Most of them are new. I can tell you how much I paid (no more than $2) for them and where I bought them.

The remaining books are in my house.
Time for the books to move on and move out. 

Pennant Banner- 1970's basal reading book-Coco's Kitsch
I suppose I'll start bringing the books to school each work day. One pile at a time, right?

Monday, January 21, 2013

New Year...New Goals

2012 came and went and I did not complete the goals that I set out to accomplish.  High expectations are something that I have for my students and for myself, yet I tend to cut myself so much slack that I don't hold myself accountable.  As an adult, I find it ridiculous, that I choose not to complete the tasks that I think will make me happy, but I also know that my physical space is limiting me and I did it to myself. 

Hoarders is on in the background as I am writing this, and I am sick to my stomach.  It is so hard for me to watch the show, yet I make myself watch.  I know what it takes to produce the show, how much prep work goes into getting all of the crew, port-a-potty, organizing boxes to the location, and the family to participate.  I see familiar faces every once in while and think about the camera men who are shooting the show (wondering if they're wearing their knee-high boots or not), and feel guilty for an hour straight (or two if I am watching on the DVR) while picking up my current mess.
I wish I felt different, but I'm not to that point yet. I thought I was going to be okay. I spent a lot of time and money in therapy after the visit, working with a personal organizer, unpacking the 100+ boxes that were left, donating and throwing out more "stuff" and I still failed.

I have made progress. I can go without shopping for weeks (and only visit the grocery store).  I have maintained my relationship with the boyfriend and we are very open about my on-going issues (we'll hit the 6 year mark at the end of this month).  I am good at my job and am a good teacher. I have accomplished plenty to be proud of, yet this "stuff" is my mountain that I need to move to get back to the normal that I want to live.

Being accountable is my goal for the year, which means I will be holding myself accountable using this blog.

Most people cannot relate to my problem with "stuff" and are quick to judge.  I judge myself enough as it is. I have a hard time understanding why, yet it is something that I have been around most of my life and live with.  Anxiety and money are huge pieces to this puzzle. It is what it is and this is where the "recovering" part comes into play.

More later this week...