
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Still De-Hoarding You Ask? Why yes!

Boxes after Hoarders...

Boxes in sorting process
Hoarding can be a dangerous hobby.  De-hoarding the house can be is even more dangerous!  I had approximately one-hundred or so 8"x10" boxes that were left over from the Hoarders experience.  The second bedroom was filled with these boxes.  All of the boxes were labeled with general categories- see all the C's- that means crafts.  Over the summer, working with the personal organizer and my sister, we went through the left-over boxes, sorted and purged more "stuff".  Throughout the winter I've been working on the 50 boxes that were left from the personal organizer sort, to purge more of this super stuff and find a permanent home for it in the house. 
During this process I have injured myself cleaning! Yes, while cleaning.  (You're asking yourself if a hoarder really cleans, right? You should see my supply of cleaners and my Sargent Steamer!)

WARNING: Carrying multiple boxes of books up and down flights of stairs in one day will cause a shoulder injury- like an AC shoulder separation. It only took 7 weeks to heal.
 As I've been getting rid of my "stuff", I've been able to get rid of my weight, which is good, this is another on-going issue, and I've been walking more. Being more active is great.  Bending over and picking up items is great exercise too- it really works your abs.  You can even get in some lunges walking stuff to the trash.
Over the weekend, I just happened to squish a nerve that sends lightning hot pain down my right leg and ends at my knee.  No back pain, no numbness. Just dumb luck!
Boxes falling over/ on top of your head = short term pain.

I'm already out of my flex benefits money for the year- I'm crossing my fingers that nothing else attacks me!

Just for fun- have you seen this product before?  This Sewing Cabinet would be awesome in my craft room.  I just have to figure out how to add buttons to my blog so I can win this-ha!  One more thing to add to my list of "things to figure out"...